Listening to the brag of my heart

Many reasons why this post is so entitled…  It’s about confidence; it’s about survival; it’s about I am, I am, I am. At the end of last year, I was reading the Run Mummy Run Facebook group, where people were discussing their annual stats.  And I wondered – I genuinely did – how they knew….

Training Peaks

So I’ve downloaded the Training Peaks app.  This does all kinds of spooky, but kind of convenient stuff.  The web interface gives you an excellent calendar view of your training plan (in the picture at the top of this post), and sets up an iCal/Google/Outlook calendar which you subscribe to.  This rather spookily puts your…

Slump and slide

I’m in a bit of a slump.  My marathon training starts on 28th December, and until then I’m just running.  I’ve never done ‘just running’ before.  I ran on Tuesday morning; a local route down the nearest main road, round town and back again.  It’s downhill all the way out and uphill all the way…