Slump and slide

I’m in a bit of a slump.  My marathon training starts on 28th December, and until then I’m just running.  I’ve never done ‘just running’ before.  I ran on Tuesday morning; a local route down the nearest main road, round town and back again.  It’s downhill all the way out and uphill all the way…

Slow-Mo Running. A shiver shared…

At 9:30 last night, after half a bottle of rather lovely red wine, I suddenly remembered The Thing I Had Forgotten…. moustaches.  You can’t run a mo run without moustaches! Luckily, this household lacks nowt it’s got on the crafting front, so I unearthed my felting kit, selected some yarn, and set to work.  “What…

Slow progress

This has not been a good week for the running.  As in, I haven’t really done any.  And when I say I haven’t really done any, I do mean none at all. When I start the training programme proper, on 28th December, there will be three runs a week.  In this in-between stage, I really…

The what, the why, the ****

This is my journal.  I’m learning to run.  I have a place in the Silverstone Half Marathon in March 2016 and the Brighton Marathon in April 2016.  I’m raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society, which is a charity very dear to my heart.  Running a whole marathon when you don’t have much experience is a…